Monday, December 26, 2016

8 reasons that i love homeschooling

 Homeschool:  When a child is schooled in a non-traditional setting.  Public schools, private schools, charter schools, online schools, and tutoring are different entities.  The parent or guardian either instructs or determines the instruction of the child according to state standards.

ADD:  Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD:  Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Homework:  Out-of-classroom work sent home for completion

Co-Op:   A group of homeschoolers offering classes for the students in a school-like setting

Dual-Enrollment:  11th + 12th grade students taking classes offered through a college or university that can carry over into credit after graduation.  Different from early college programs.

  Since kindergarten, I've been a member of the good 'ole homeschooling club.  I've missed out on socialization, proms, a quality education, and being a functioning member of society.  Justtt kiddinggg.  If anything, homeschooling has been the best option for my education!  Here are the top ten reasons why I love homeschooling, and you should, too!

8.)  homeschooled kids aren't as violent
  Okay, we had our basic chicks, hoes, man whores, emo kids, and the stereotypical sheltered homeschool children.  Cliques and bullying was present.  However, generally, homeschooled children aren't violent.
  12% of students claim that there are gangs at their school.  9% of teachers have been threatened by a student.  7.8% of kids have been in a fight on school grounds.  20.2% of kids report being bullied on school grounds - 15% have been bullied electronically. 
  Guess how many of these kids were homeschooled?  None of them.

7.) homeschooling children with add/adhd can reduce symptoms
  "Sit down, be quiet." How can a child be a child when every aspect of their lives is mandated?  Children aren't meant to sit still.  Children are meant to learn by curiosity, not by force.  In fact, homeschooled children with a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD are less likely to need medication. 
  I've read story after story of homeschooling being beneficial for children with these conditions.

6.)  less homework (or more?)
  I'll make the totally lame claim of isn't-all-of-your-schoolwork-homework, because if you're homeschooled, you totally haven't heard that one before.  *eye roll*
  In fact, homework has few added benefits that can't be obtained through a general attitude shift.   

5.)  i actually know my family
  In all those times where I wasn't confined to a group of people exactly like me, I was with my family.  People older than me.  People I can learn from.  I gained so much from the phonics homework in the wee hours of the morning, so much more than how to read a dictionary.

4.)  i have a varying group of friends
   Reestablishing that in a public school there are a forced group of children in the same geographical area, same socioeconomic area, same age, and same education level, there isn't much to learn.  However, in my homeschool co-op classes, that's not how things were.  For example, generally, the highschool classes served 8th-12th graders, as long as certain prerequisites had been met.  We lived within a 30-45 minute driving range.  Some of us had plenty of money, but some of us were being fostered by impoverished grandparents.  There were Wiccans, Atheists, Fundamentalist Christians, and Mormons.

3.)  free college!
  Most states offer a dual-enrollment program  (don't know if your state does?  Check here: ).  For a public schooled student, there are  *typically* heavier restrictions (can't take classes during certain hours/only allowed to take non-core classes/can only take a certain amount of classes at a time, etc).  Since homeschoolers generally complete their core classes earlier, they have the opportunity to take more classes for college credit, making college cheaper (por ejemplo - I'm bringing 45 credits over).

2.)  i had free creative time
   Less time sitting in a classroom?  More unstructured play time!  Oh my goodness, the benefits of play time.  As I got older, that free time was spent in college classes and work, but when I was young, simply playing gave me a world of benefits. 

1.)  i'm crazy independent 
   I've always done my schoolwork by myself.  I've always signed myself up for classes.  I've job-hunter.  I bought my own car (saving up the money + hunting it down + insurance + tags and stuff). I've applied to universities.  I've taken care of textbooks.  I've helped to pay the rent and utilities and everything.  I'm your average 18-year old, only that I've been used to being independent for a while (doing schoolwork on my own), so none of this scares me.  It's simply what I know.

  Homeschooling was the best decision that could've been made for my education.  When I started kindergarten 13-years ago, I was despondent that I wasn't going to "real school".  Who could've known that this was the realest life school I could have ever gotten.

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